'the fab mitten' is not affiliated with any other brand or luxury fashion house, and all professional authentications have been completed by a third party company. We are not a resale company that has a relationship with any of the brands sold.
All brands sold through this company are represented in an equal nature, and none of the brands sold have been singled out to be a main avenue for advertisement.
All brands named in writing are used in a descriptive matter, and the company acknowledges that all trademarks, names, and logos belong to the brands described.
All items, including high end luxury, are authentic to the very best of our knowledge. We recognize that the sale of inauthentic merchandise is illegal. If a customer proves that an item is inauthentic after purchase, we will issue a refund immediately and request for the item to be destroyed.
Serial numbers and/or certificates of authenticity will be shown or given as applicable.
All items will be described as 'preloved' 'refurbished' or 'restored' as applicable, and similarly with other descriptive wording.
All photos of items are taken by and are property of 'the fab mitten'